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Tag Archives: Mobile

Prague, Telepathy and HTML5 IM Client


Hey guys! Last week I’ve attended to GStreamerConf and LinuxConf conferences in Prague, and Siraj and I had the honor of having our current project for Collabora exposed on Collabora’s booth. It shared space with two others amazing Collabora‘s demos: Media Explorer running a Telepathy plug-in, which adds IM and Audio/Video capabilities to the system. […]

Symbian, 2D games and Qt Optimization Flags


After two and a half years building rich UIs on top of QGraphicsView and trying every kind of exotic flags or approaches to get better performance results on symbian, I’ve decided to publish some of them which can be useful to game programmers. With a little help of Ademar, we’ve selected a good use case: […]

Excelent News; Bossa Conference, Kde 4.2 and Debian Lenny!


I’m quite excited about the news of the last few days. First: KDE 4.2 was released. I’m using as my “oficial desktop manager” at work and I’m pretty happy about it. Second: Debian Lenny might be released this month.  I’m using it too, and I know the result will be very good! Third: BossaConference agenda […]

Pychord 0.4 Release


Hi All… I’m not having much time to work on my personal projects ( pychord by example ) cause I’m having a lot of tasks to do ( and to learn ) on my college and on my new job. But I’m here to talk about pychord, so let me do it! =) Tim wrote […]

PyChord for Maemo: Get your .install here!


Finally, Pychord is almost ready! All features (about 1.0 version) are working. Now I need to work in two different lines. Source Code improvement [1] Bug Fixes[2] [1] I didn’t have enough knowledge about pygame when I started this project. So I need to change some parts of the code to fix wrong decisions that […]