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Category Archives: KDE

YouCompleteMe: semantic auto-completion and JumpToDefinition for VIM on webkitgtk+


Prelude Jump to the next session if you don’t want to read lullabies There was a time when I was a Qt application developer working with vim. It worked pretty well until I started to work with large applications such as Meego Application Framework. Hundreds of thousands of files, classes, I couldn’t memorize everything. Then […]

Beat Maker: The drum loop maker written with Qt


Beat Maker is my “pet project” with Allyson Soares at INdT. It is, basically, a drum loop emulator to be used by musicians during practicing sessions. You just need to select the samples, define a BPM value and listen to the rhythm ;) If you can’t wait for the official release at Ovi Store, you […]

Symbian development using Linux on real life…


I believe most companies that develop Symbian products uses windows, and only windows, on their development process. Well… We don’t =) When we started to develop symbian applications at INdT we, as open source developers, decided to find a way to keep using linux as our development environment. On the beginning we didn’t have yet an official […]

Have you ever seen KDE Mobil?


I have! =)