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Category Archives: GObject

YouCompleteMe: semantic auto-completion and JumpToDefinition for VIM on webkitgtk+


Prelude Jump to the next session if you don’t want to read lullabies There was a time when I was a Qt application developer working with vim. It worked pretty well until I started to work with large applications such as Meego Application Framework. Hundreds of thousands of files, classes, I couldn’t memorize everything. Then […]

Prague, Telepathy and HTML5 IM Client


Hey guys! Last week I’ve attended to GStreamerConf and LinuxConf conferences in Prague, and Siraj and I had the honor of having our current project for Collabora exposed on Collabora’s booth. It shared space with two others amazing Collabora‘s demos: Media Explorer running a Telepathy plug-in, which adds IM and Audio/Video capabilities to the system. […]